Core HR Advice & Support

Maybe you just have a one-off query about an individual employee such as receiving a flexible or home-working request that you don’t quite know how to deal with. Or, maybe the impact of COVID-19 has turned your business on its head and you need to review your entire people structure.  

There isn’t a question or problem that I won’t want to help you resolve and if I can’t help there will be someone I know who can! With years of industry experience, I have a vast network of contacts on whom I can draw for support and, rest assured, I will do my level best to ensure that your issue is resolved with understanding, persistence and insight.


Company Policies & Processes

Policies and Processes inform your team of their responsibilities and your company’s expectations. Like anything else, they only work if people read them and they ring true! 

They also play an important role in ensuring fairness, consistency and transparency across your business - as well as potentially helping to protect your company against legal claims. Well thought-through and properly implemented policies can have a real impact on employee motivation, your business reputation and your ability to attract and retain talent.

Employee Engagement

When your employees are engaged, they feel connected to each other and the aims of your company.  They believe in a shared purpose and feel they play an important part in achieving it. 

I undertake ‘employee engagement’ health checks, run bespoke surveys and pull together insightful reports before creating people plans which will help you focus on those people initiatives that will have the most impact on team morale and give you the biggest return on your most expensive investment: your people. 


Employee Contracts and Handbooks

I can provide you with a simple set of terms and conditions and staff handbooks, or I can tailor both to fit your company’s specific needs.   

If you would like a fully customised set of employment terms to cover more specific rights and responsibilities, I collaborate with legal expert, Lucy a highly experienced Corporate & Employment Lawyer, who will advise on bespoke clauses ensuring the latest and highest levels of legal compliance.



Searching for, attracting and keeping the very best people is one of the most important things to get right in your business, but it can be hard to know where to start. I have vast experience in every area of Recruitment from carrying out speculative searches, right through to selecting the right people to fit each company's unique culture. I have recruited as an external recruiter and an internal headhunter, and experienced both high volume recruitment and personalised engagement with just one candidate. Whether I recruit at entry level or executive level, I achieve long lasting results, because I put the effort in to getting it right!